Check Engine - Chiropractic and Health Maintenance

I saw a quote the other day that reminded me of the importance of chiropractic care for health maintenance. It said, “Do you ever feel like your body’s check engine light has been on and you’re still driving it like, ‘nah it will be fine?!’” Have you ever done this or do you know someone that has with their car? I remember when I was in chiropractic school I was driving from my apartment to school one morning and the check engine light in my car came on. I had never seen it before. The good thing was my immediate thought was that I needed to take it in and get it checked. The bad thing was that I waited a while to actually take the car in to get checked. I don’t remember how long "a while" was, but let’s just say it was at least a couple of months.

When I finally took it in to get checked out by a mechanic, he said there were several oil leaks and if I had waited much longer it would have caused some huge problems in the car. I am very thankful I finally used some sense and took it in to a mechanic.

The Importance of Chiropractic Care and Health Maintenance

The quote at the beginning mentioned the body’s check engine light. Just like our cars, our bodies give us hints that something is off. Some of these hints are in the form of aches and pains and some can be other symptoms. Sometimes these symptoms come and go and sometimes they linger. Either way, they are telling you to take action and get things checked out. When it comes to your health maintenance, I never recommend waiting until the check engine light in your body is on to get checked and adjusted. But, it is better late than never! If that is you, I encourage you to take action and come in to get adjusted today. Your body’s engine will thank you for taking good care of it!!